it is only the 13th day of 2009 i manage to figure it me slow.fuck you right back at least i have one. here it goes:
leaving my home to chase my Hollywood dreams(RIGHT. just wanna leave my house period)
my college application to be accepted or i have to become an indon maid
growing an apple tree(have u ever tried doing it in Malaysia?) that's the whole point
growing another apple tree after my first one grow
go skiing
bungee jump cause 2008 i was a pussy
get a score of 2000 for my SAT cause exam's a bitch
leave Taylors cause it suxs big time
strike a lottery and then shower in a pool of alcohol.(is that even possible? but i cant consider this as a resolution right because i cant control it)
talk less and do more and then talk even lesser and do more
date like a pro. love is a game. don't deny it
go for a gig
get my second tattoo
do something to impress myself and everyone else cause your opinion matters.